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If you would like to volunteer your time for events and projects conducted throughout the year, we'd love to have your help with Project Nurture. Whether you're a student, retiree, or simply looking for a worthwhile cause that can provide you with the satisfaction of giving back in a measurable way, please feel free to apply today.


As a business owner in Central Ohio there are several ways you can get involved with Project Nurture... the simplest way is to register as a donation point for items beneficial to our organization's recipients. Contact us today for more information regarding your business becoming a key player in this community project.

We're all pressed for time - and sometimes other obligations impact the time we'd like to give to a program like Project Nurture. A simple, tax deductable monitary donation is always welcome for helping Project Nurture aquire the basics needed by the young parents and guardians in the program.







Call us:


Find us: 

Focus East 4480 Refugee Rd., Columbus, OH 43232

Focus West 190 Southwood Ave., Columbus, OH 43207

Focus North High School  4807 Evanswood Dr., Columbus, OH 43229

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